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IB History

Course structure

IB students at our school can choose between IB History and IB Geography which is then their elective subject (Ergänzungsfach). This means that IB History results in two grades for two different subjects in the annual school report: one for History and one for the elective subject History.

In the first year of the IB course (= 2nd grade), students have 2 lessons of history per week, in 3rd grade 3 lessons per week and in 4th grade 4 lessons per week. In the fourth year, IB students take the IB exams in May, but also receive two grades in the Matura diploma (one for history and one for the elective subject).

The current curriculum is as follows:

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The students acquire the following skills:

  • source analysis, tested in the IB Paper 1 exam,

  • essay writing skills, tested in the IB Paper 2 exam,

  • research and analytical skills, assessed in the form of a Historical Investigation,

  • finding similarities and differences in historical events from different continents,

  • understanding and application of historical concepts.


Key historical concepts used:

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