Fieldwork trip 2AB Internal Assessment Geography 2021: Hintere Frenke

The class set out on a first attempt at empirical scientific fieldwork along the Hintere Frenke/Frenke on a chilly day on April 12, 2021. Contrary to the weather forecast the day before we were surprised by intermittent graupel and snowfall making the fieldtrip a rather challenging experience. Nevertheless, the majority of students never lost their good sense of humor on the journey downstream from Reigoldswil to Liestal collecting raw data on various river parameters. Everyone tried their best to ignore the 7°C cold water and nasty precipitation – protected by thigh-high or overall fisher trousers – Mr Gonzalez and a few hardy students barefoot. In the end, the enterprise turned out a – rather hard-earned – success, the data and sketch sheets and some feet soaking but still readable/alive.