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School psychological service

Austrasse 120, 4051 Basel


Contact: Mr. Denis Joset

Phone: 061 267 68 59 (secretariat: 061 267 69 00)
Telefax: 061 267 67 55

Contact: Ms. Andrea Burger

Phone: 061 267 68 63
Telefax: 061 267 67 55

Opening hours: Consultation hours every two weeks on Tuesdays 12.15 p.m.–1.15 p.m. for teachers and students (psychological consultation). The appointment data are listed in a pdf document below.

Mr. Denis Joset and Ms. Andrea Burger are available on an alternating basis during the times and dates specified in the GM conference room F 01 038; Please use the entrance to the secretariat and then go up to the first floor. You will find the room in the corridor to the left, just after the Deputy director's office. Both Ms. Burger and Mr. welcome students and staff members with or without appointment.:

Flyer school psychological service (offers and contact details)