Novartis Besuchstag
GM 4C perform biotech experiments at Novartis: summary
On Tuesday 24 March 09 the 4C bilingual biology class spent the day at Novartis, Basel, performing several practical procedures in biotechnology. The practical program has been designed by Novartis staff as an introduction to some of the standard manipulative procedures in modern biotechnology.
Staff explained how foreign genetic material can be introduced into a bacterium, thereby creating a GMO (Genetically Modified Organism). Then the students multiplied (“amplified”) the number of GMO bacteria, and then collected only those bacteria with the incorporated foreign gene (selective screening) . The bacterial plasmids, which contain the foreign gene, were released & collected (“plasmid isolation”).
Finally, the students treated their bacterial plasmid DNA with a restriction endonuclease (enzyme which “chops up” DNA into fragments). These fragments were then identified by a genetic fingerprinting technique (gel electrophoresis).
Attending Staff:
Novartis: Dr Gesche Standke,
GM: Dr Gerard Batts