17th National Selection Conference EYP Romanshorn 2013
“At the National Selection Conference in Romanshorn, I heard from some students that they had to persuade their teachers and their school in order to be allowed to come to this EYP session. It was not the same for the participants of our school, the Gymnasium am Münsterplatz. I first heard about the European Youth Parliament from Ms. Whitebread, who had been to previous sessions with delegations from our school, and also from students in the higher grades who had been there as delegates. To me, it was soon quite clear that I was going to take this opportunity, and I was not surprised that there were eleven other students who thought the same.” Pedro Pereira
“What is the EYP?” must have been the question we’ve heard the most in the past few weeks. We couldn’t get a proper response because people always said you can’t describe it in a few words. The only thing we knew about it before going was that it was a conference of young adults, coming together to discuss current political problems. A week later we can all agree that definition is inadequate. The first two days we spent team building with our new committees and sharing general opinions with people from all around Switzerland as well as Sweden and Spain.
An event that showed the amazing diversity of traditions in our country and within Europe was the so called “Swiss Village” where we had the opportunity to taste diverse food and get a feel of different customs. We were also proud to present Basel to the participants and both our delegations took great effort in decorating and organizing food for our stand.
The most trying part of EYP were the discussions taking place in the committees during two days. It involved a lot of compromising, respecting various opinions and informing ourselves on an unfamiliar topic. This was the most educational part of EYP as it taught patience, respect, innovative thinking and trying to find a solution instead of complaining. We are all confident we have developed great new skills regarding teamwork that we will be able to use throughout our education.
General Assembly: the final part of EYP where all your hard work is put to test in the form of a debate. It’s an amazing part of the program because each individual has the opportunity to defend his topic with his committee as well as share his personal opinion on other subjects. It showed us that we could influence the way people think, it taught us that through debating we could achieve something, it made us build confidence and overcome fear of public speaking.
The result of these three different experiences is much more than just a week abroad. We can see that we have been able to make good use of these opportunities because both our delegations from the Gymnasium am Münsterplatz were selected for two different International EYP events later this year.
We speak for both our delegations when we say that we will be using these skills for the rest of our lives and we are looking forward to learning so much more at the Internationals.
We would like to thank Ms. Spasojevic and Ms. Whitebread for accompanying and supporting us, as well as for their valuable advice during the General Assembly.
We are very grateful to Mr. Krieger and the school, their support has made it possible for us to have such an enriching experience.
Alexandra & Katharina, 4B