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Gletscherexkursion der Klassen 2A und 2B


Im Rahmen der Interdisziplinären Projekttage führten die Klassen 2A und 2B am 24.-26. Juni 2024 in Begleitung ihrer Biologie- und Geografielehrpersonen eine Exkursion in den Aletschgletscher durch, um das für das IB-Curriculum obligatorische "Collaborative Science Project" durchzuführen.
Dabei konnten die Schülerinnen und Schüler in gemischten Kleingruppen selbstständig wertvolle Daten zu den Auswirkungen von Höhe auf den alpinen Lebensraum und dessen Organismen sammeln. Die fachkundig geführte Gletscherexkursion war ein einmaliges Erlebnis, bei dem die Teilnehmenden Einblicke in Entstehung, Geomorphologie und typische Biome von Gletscherlandschaften sowie die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf diese einzigartige Alpenregion hautnah erleben konnten. So wurden bereits erlernte Konzepte und fachbezogene Inhalte des IB Biologie- und IB Geografie-Unterrichts erlebbar gemacht.
Die Schülerinnen und Schüler hatten bei der Besteigung des Gletschers die Gelegenheit, ihre Komfortzone zu verlassen, ihre eigenen Grenzen auszuloten und eindrückliche Erfahrungen zu sammeln.

Bild Legende:

“The glacier excursion was really special to me as it represents a once in a lifetime opportunity. Nature is so fascinating and I’m really grateful to could have experienced this especially while knowing that glaciers are melting and they could not exist in some years.”

“I really enjoyed the alpine botanical garden with its flowers and plants. I could really see how the plants adapted to the environment on the mountains. There were some really beautiful flowers which I have never seen in Basel before. The Latin names of the plants were also very interesting.” 

“The glacier has such an unimaginable importance for our earth and if we cannot manage to keep the temperatures from rising it will disappear which will have catastrophically consequences for the human population as well as the vegetation etc. This specific glacier also is of very big importance in the climate studies as the changes in the glacier are sent to be analyzed. To see how big of an effect the climate change really has on our planet.”

“I really enjoyed the last three days because it was an experience that i will probably forever remember. I really liked our freedom on the first day, when we had time to measure/ investigate our research question and i also enjoyed the time i had with my classmates. Additionally, I thought the villa was a nice place to stay in and that our teachers were friendly and helpful.” 

"The experience of walking on a glacier was truly an out of world experience."