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Bild Legende:

The Gymnasium am Münsterplatz, the second oldest school in Switzerland, is situated in the heart of Basel on Roman foundations opposite the cathedral. It enjoys considerable prestige in the city and commands a worldwide net of alumni whose generous donations go to support numerous extracurricular activities in our school. The historical buildings are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment specially designed so that students can focus entirely on their studies in a dynamic modern atmosphere. Throughout the successive reforms in the educational sector over the last years, reflecting the social dynamics of our city, the school has changed considerably both within and without. Our recently installed Learning Centre allows pupils to carry out independent research under constant coaching provided by teachers and senior students. The integration of foreignlanguage-speaking pupils into Swiss society through the public school system is another of our major concerns.

The main objective of our Learning Support Centre is to provide individual didactic counselling, subject-specific backup courses, as well as various integrative measures for pupils with diverse educational biographies. It also aims to furnish individual, accompaniment and supervision for highly-talented pupils.

Apart from the modern foreign languages, French, English and Spanish, we also offer a choice of main elective subjects including; Latin, Greek, Spanish, English, and the combination Philosophy, Pedagogics, and Psychology. Of course, our Mathematics and Natural Science departments together with our Arts and Sports departments also furnish their necessary contribution to the education of our students.

The School has a rich and varied extra-curricular life. Every year, each of our 4th classes (11th grade) prepares and performs a drama project under the guidance of professional directors. We also have an annual Winter or Spring Ball. We have both a top-quality jazz band and a choir. Almost every year, one of our delegated teams to the National Session of the European Youth Parliament has been selected to represent Switzerland at the European Youth Parliament. We invite politicians and diplomats on a regular basis to discuss world affairs in our classrooms.

Apart from successfully preparing our students for third level education, the Gymnasium am Münsterplatz, in keeping with its humanistic tradition, places great importance on the development of individual personalities. We aim to address and promote our pupils as whole persons in their psychological, spiritual and physical integrity.

Outside our regular school programme, and our local interdisciplinary weeks, we also offer numerous activities away from Basel, such as study trips linked to the main elective subjects (Spain, Greece, Rome, UK, Vienna), annual skicamps, and concentrated study-weeks elsewhere in Switzerland.

As the first public school in Basel to be accredited in 2011, the GM has been offering the IB Diploma Programme as an ideal complement to the state gymnasium syllabus. Thanks to the great popularity of the IB Curriculum, our IB scores continue to improve every year and are well above world average, giving our students easier access to the world’s leading universities.

We offer the following main subjects:
  • Introductory Latin (starts in 8th grade)
  • Intermediate Latin (starts in 8th grade)
  • Greek (starts in 9th grade)
  • Spanish (starts in 9th grade)
  • Philosophy, Psychology, Pedagogy (PPP) (starts in 9 grade)
  • English plus IB (starts in 10th grade)

Additional option, which can be combined with any of the main subjects at the GM:
IB Diploma Programme (English-German) 11th and 12th grade
Bilingual matura in 5 subjects (Mathematics, History, Biology, Computer Science, Geography)

In addition to their main subjects, GM students take the same basic subjects as the students at all of the other Basel gymnasiums.



am Münsterplatz
Münsterplatz 15
4051 Basel

Kontakt Sekretariat:
Tel. 061 267 88 70