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Outgoing exchange students

Exchange years abroad for GM students

Doing an exchange is great for expanding your cultural horizons and improving your language skills. This applies to the Romandie as well as other countries.  

As a GM student, you have the possibility to do an exchange, be that for a few months, a semester or a full school year during second grade. You are responsible for finding a host family - an exchange organisation may assist with that. Before you commit to the exchange year, a conversation with the headmaster is mandatory and his permission is needed. 


As a GM student, an exchange is possible: 

  • in second grade (year 11)

  • duration: a few weeks, months, or up to 2 semesters
  • in IB classes with option 1: only in the first semester, as IB content is already taught in the second semester

The GM cannot assume any liability for the quality of exchange programs or their providers. 

The exchange students officially remain GM students. This means that in case of emergency, a return to the GM is possible at any time.

How to proceed

When planning a student exchange, you must speak with your class teacher beforehand and discuss the following questions: 

    • How are your grades and your general situation?
    • How do you plan to return to the GM after the exchange program in terms of status? Options are: voluntary repetition of the missed school year (not counting as remotion), or continuation in the old class with provisional admission (PA) during a semester.

At the latest by the spring vacation of the school year before, you must personally make an appointment with the headmaster and provide the following information: 

    • Where are you going?
    • With which exchange organisation?
    • How long will you be gone and when exactly will you return to the GM? (e.g. August 2022 to June 2023 or August 2022 to January 2023)
    • Status after your return: voluntary repetition of the missed school year (not counting as remotion), or continuation in the old class with provisional admission (PA) during a semester?

As soon as the arrangement with the exchange organisation is definite, your parents need to confirm this to the headmaster via email. 

More information

You will find useful links and also some exchange organisations here: